Systems of Human Body | Human Body Organ Systems Pt.3

 systems of the human body

हेल्लो फ्रेंड्स आज हम बात कर रहे है systems of human body की तो सिस्टम्स Human Body Organ Systems में हम पहले देखेंगे की ह्यूमन बॉडी में कौन कौनसे सिस्टम पाये जाते है

जेसे की respiratory system, muscular system nerves system.

सबसे पहले में आपको ये बता देना चाहूंगा कि ह्यूमन बॉडी में कुल 11 प्रकार के सिस्टम पाय जाते है

सबसे पहले हम एक एक करके सभी सिस्टम की बात करेंगे और हम सभी के कॉम्पोनेन्ट और उनके फंक्शन की भी बात करेंगे 

सबसे पहले हम बात करते है 

systems of the human body


1.Integumentary System

इस सिस्टम में उपस्थित जो ऑर्गन मिलकर इसके कार्य को पूर्ण करते है उसे हम कॉम्पोनेन्ट कहते है तो चलिए जानते है इसके कॉम्पोनेन्ट के बारे में

Integumentary System के कॉम्पोनेन्ट को कोनसे है जैसे कि

Components of the integumentary system

  • Hair ( बाल )

  • Nails ( नाख़ून )

  • Sweat Glands ( पसीने की ग्रंथियों  )

  • Oil Glands ( तेल ग्रंथियों )

अब हम integumentary system के कार्य ( Functions ) को देखते है 

Functions of the integumentary system


  • it protects the body

  • it regulates temperature

  • eliminates some wastes

  • help’s in Synthesis Vitamin D

  • detect sensations like touch, pain, warm, cold 

Integumentary System

2.Muscular System

Components of the Muscular System

  • Muscules ( Muscules tissue )

Functions of the Muscular System

  • body movement

  • stabilize body positions ( posture )

  • it generates heats

Muscular System

3. Skeletal system

Components of the Skeletal system

  • bones

  • joints

  • cartilages

Functions of Skeletal system

  • support

  • protect

  • movement

  • it produces blood cells

  • it stores minerals and lipids (Fats)

Skeletal system

4. Nervous system

Components of the Nervous system

  • brain

  • spinal cord

  • nerves

  • special sense organ

Function of Nervous system

  • it generate action position ( nerve impulse )

  • it detects changes in the body internal and external environment

respond by - muscle contraction

- glandular reaction

Nervous system

5. Endocrine system

Components of the endocrine system

  • hormone-producing glands and hormone-producing cells in other organs

The function of the endocrine system

  • it regulates body activity

endocrine system

6. Cardiovescular Syetem

components of Cardiovascular System

  • heart

  • blood vessels and blood

The function of the Cardiovascular System

  • heart- it pumps the blood through blood vessels and blood carries oxygen and nutrients and removes carbon dioxide

  • helps in regulating acid-base balance.

  • Temperature maintains

  • The water content of body fluids.

  • blood components life WBC - the defends disease.

Cardiovescular Syetem

7.lymphatic and immune system

Components of Lymphatic and immune system

  •  Lymphatic fluid and vessels

  • Spleen

  • Thymus

  • lymph nodes and tonsils

Functions of Lymphatic and immune system

  • it returns protein and fluid to the blood

  • caries lipid from GIT to blood

  • site for maturation and proliferation of lymphocytes

lymphatic and immune system

8. respiratory system

Components of the respiratory system

  • lungs and air passageway ( pharynx, Layering, Bronchial Tubes )

Functions of the respiratory system

  • it transports  oxygen and carbon dioxide

  • it helps in regulating acid-base balance

  • it helps in the sound production system

respiratory system

9. Digestive System

Components of the Digestive System

  • Mouth

  • Esophagus

  • Stomach

  • The small and large intestine

  • Anus

  • salivary glands

  • Liver

  • gall bladder

  • pancreas

The function of the Digestive System

  • physical and chemical breakdown of food.

  • it observe nutriants

  • it eliminates solid wastes

Digestive System

10. Urinary System

Components of Urinary System

  • Kidney

  • Uretar

  • urinary bladder and urethra

Functions of Urinary System

  • it produces stores and eliminates

  • it eliminates wastes

  • it regulates blood volume

  • it regulates acid-base balance

  • it maintains body mineral balance

  • it regulates production of RBC

Urinary System

11. Reproductive System

Components of Reproductive System

  • Gonads ( Testes and Ovaries ) and uterine tubes

  • uterus and vagina in female

  •  epididymis and penisin males

Function of Reproductive System

  • Fertilization

  • Reproduction

  • Hormonal Productions

Reproductive System


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